
Showing posts from November, 2019

The search of an artist...

11:25 am, Mumbai The artist lived his life, learning and exploring his art form. He learnt them thoroughly, living in different areas. He travelled across various cultures and met different people. In this process of 'Teaching', he learnt and unlearnt a lot. He also realised that there are some parts of the art which he was not good at, and some he should specialise more in. Through his travels, he came across different mentalities and different ideologies. He, in the process, he explored more art-forms. He realised that the journey had been making him a better observer of the art-form by different artists on earth. He realised that LIFE is a tremendous art-form itself. How can a whole machine survive just by breathing-in simple air. Miracle it was! Lucky the people were, who did not even know the working of their bodies . Our artist also realised that he had to learn the art of watching smiles around him. Beautiful the world was. When he did not see people smiling, ...

Exploring my 'Vipassana'!

10:04 am, Mumbai As I sit on my bed, I realise that I have not been talking to many people. I like this experience. I have stopped using my phone (for calling) and I have been liking this phase. I have also disconnected my facebook account, and luckily I have not gone back to it. And the best part of this period is that I have been trying to find myself. I just realised yesterday, that this is very similar to being a part of a very famous course called, 'VIPASSANA'. Is this my discovery of myself? Is this my  Vipassana? I have no answers. I am just silently listening all the suggestions coming my way, and doing what my heart or mind say. I have always taught in my theatre sessions 'MEDITATION', with special focus on 'Breathing'...and interestingly, I have got more into it. I am actually getting clear answers about my existence. I have still not figured out everything, but the search is on. Another feature of this phase is that I have started taki...


The faces I see here, are similar to the ones I saw miles away. Similar expressions, similar questions, similar love. I just wonder why do they fight between 'Here' and 'There'. I just wonder! - KHS, November'19