
Showing posts from July, 2019


In an effort to fly higher in the sky, little did the crow realise that it is going farther than the ground!


5th July'19, Mumbai. The Journey has been an amazing one. The fun-journey had started long ago when as a 17 year old, with an 'Engineering' seat and a 'Dental' seat, I took this interesting decision to follow my heart. The families then, were pretty new to this idea. I had very few reference points as I had no role models for myself, who had come from my level. I guess that was the beginning and I loved the road I took. A road less travelled, a road which gave me interesting challenges and somewhere midway, I fell in love with the whole idea of challenges! Today about a decade later I stand here, fully in love with the whole idea of challenges. After writing and directing theatre (Viz. Kamaan), after writing a book ('Gokul')... after taking numerous road journeys, I am back to the city which triggered the creativity in me. After my first brief stint with the city,  the lovely journey enters its second phase and I am all set, dreaming the impossi...


ABOVE ALL' The clouds covered me, made everything depressing, killed my thoughts, N made me sleepy. And then, fighting the clouds, Emerged the sun. The fire ball, had lots of messages for me, Lots of energetic rays. Giving me hope, It said that the negativity is closer to d ground, But positivity is above all. It said that the clouds, are closer to d ground, and the sun is, above all, above all, above all... - KHS July'19