5th July'19, Mumbai.

The Journey has been an amazing one.
The fun-journey had started long ago when as a 17 year old, with an 'Engineering' seat and a 'Dental' seat, I took this interesting decision to follow my heart. The families then, were pretty new to this idea. I had very few reference points as I had no role models for myself, who had come from my level.
I guess that was the beginning and I loved the road I took. A road less travelled, a road which gave me interesting challenges and somewhere midway, I fell in love with the whole idea of challenges!

Today about a decade later I stand here, fully in love with the whole idea of challenges.
After writing and directing theatre (Viz. Kamaan), after writing a book ('Gokul')... after taking numerous road journeys, I am back to the city which triggered the creativity in me.

After my first brief stint with the city,  the lovely journey enters its second phase and I am all set, dreaming the impossible.
Here we go...


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