As an Indian kid or as a student, I started knowing about the universe. The only source for me then, was what my western textbook taught me. Science or physics taught me about the infinite universe, the planets, the stars and everything related to that.

Every evening, I would stand in my balcony and get awed by the evening sky.
It was absolutely amazing to see the stars, and imagine that someone on those stars could see me too!
This was one of the reasons of me getting lost into the stars. I would spend a lot of time looking up and imagining that where did God exist, above all this?

But back home, I would listen to some Hindu astrological news which I really did not pay attention to.  I could not pay attention to that definition of God.

 This is how it looked like:

Though they were different schools of thought, but there was something interesting they showed: AMAZING DARKNESS!

I got into my studies and forgot about the darkness, till recently. Due to the Lockdown, I was pushed into the world re-known Hindu style of meditation, called 'YOGA' and I was caught unaware.

Yoga was way above those few exercises. It was actually getting to know my own existence.

Whenever, I would close my eyes, I would see the same darkness, as I saw in the night's sky. I was amazed.
As I delved deeper into it, I realised that both the schools of thought taught me the same thing: MYSELF!

A lovely image which I downloaded from the internet, which told me about what I imagined when I delved into my biological body. I actually found my spiritual body, which was INFINTE, beyond time.

The body would stay back here and die, but I would continue travelling. I recently got to know the essence of this long journey.

The universe, in its true sense, infinite.

My journey has just begun.


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