Happily trapped!

Gurgaon, 3rd June, 2020.

I had been trapped!

No, I am not talking about the lockdowns.
But it is the inner journeys, which the lockdowns have been sending me into.

This January, I returned from Mumbai, with a simple plan of spending some time at home at Gurgaon. But I started enjoying this time with my parents. In fact, I thought I will re-look at my self before I travel out of home. But Co-vid stuck us  and the whole world stopped breathing for a while.

But did it stop breathing, or it actually started breathing,!
We have been listening to a lot of similar news stories, about nature being restored. And I am sure you too are am bored of it now.
Nature is not everything which I see outside, but nature is what made me. One thing which I re-learnt in this break was Yoga. It was not just some stretching exercise, but a beautiful extension of the meditation.

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word, JOGA, the addition or the combination. It was a lovely combination of my two lives: One was the BODILY life and the other, was the CELESTIAL life. As I got deeper into it, all the exercises made a lot of sense to me. 

I knew about the 7 chakras in our body, but with Pranayaam, the Yogic breathing exercises, I understood their existence, and it was amazing. The Yoga workout was not  stressful till date. I still look forward to them. These wer amazing experiences I looked forward to!

As I saw and read more about the 7 chakras, I realised about my existence on earth. It is still a mystery.
I also happened to read this lovely book called 'THE POWER OF SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND' by Dr. Joseph Murphy, and it kept adding new things to my so-called 'KNOWN' mind.

I am in the process of  experiencing an extension of nature outside, which is just a simple extension of the one inside.

This is definitely affecting the POET and the WRITER in me.
I definitely feel that my desires in disappearing in terms of material benefits.
Now when I look at my life, I realise that man at the end, just needs food twice a day and rest of 7 hours.  He just needs a roof to cover him and nothing else.


OK... this is one understanding hypothesis, of a complex system of systems- OUR Universe.

It has always been  been existing in SYSTEMS at various levels.
So, here I will share my understanding and this interesting meditative QnA, helped me... make it easier for us to understand this complex structure. That's it. No rocket science!

We look at it and see that the universe starts with a simple CELL, which later develops into a collection of cells and makes a TISSUE.
Collection or a system of tissues develop and make an ORGAN.
Organs later perform different bodily functions and develop into systems, namely the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, the DIGESTVE SYSTEM and so on.

This makes an Organism.

An organism  itself has so many  systems inside itself, all operating at different paces with one motive: to keep the organism MOVING. But does the process stop here?

No! An organism, has a mother, a sibling a spouse and kids. It gets into a FAMILY SYSTEM.
 The family system grows into a COMMUNITY SYSTEM, and over a period of time, grows into a CASTE SYSTEM.

This grows onto a CITY system and later a COUNTRY. The country develops onto CONTINENTS.
From the continents, we zoom out to a big planet called the EARTH. From the planetary system, we move onto the SOLAR SYSTEM. 
This is where our astronomy comes in and physics tells us that the universe goes on INFINITE. 

Now, we need to stop imagining here and look around us. This is how the universe works. If there is any problem, at any level, the universe, starts wiping that problem (Homo sapiens) for some time, with something which is 'HUGE', yet little!

And this is when things like Co-vid 19 come into the picture and the universe or nature... BALANCES things!

Anyway, I continue yoga everyday now.
With more doubts about the pronunciation of AUM or the Kundalini yoga or various other formats, I keep exploring more QnA sessions between nature and myself, I continue exploring...

So this lockdown, I had been trapped, happily!


I have always found your introspective stream of consciouness writing style to be one of refreshing simplicity- no complex metaphors, no unnecessary layering or reading between the lines. Straight forward but thought provoking! This piece reminded me of 2 books I read last month by the German forester Peter Wohlleben- 'The Hidden Life of Trees' and 'The Secret Network of Nature'. Both took me to the world of such deeply played out relationships of seemingly disjoint natural occurences. Brilliant reads both. I have a feeling you'd enjoy them, especially the latter.

'The Hidden Life of Trees': https://www.amazon.in/Hidden-Life-Trees-Communicate-Discoveries/dp/0670089346/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1591511072&refinements=p_27%3APeter+Wohlleben&s=books&sr=1-1

'The Secret Network of Nature': https://www.amazon.in/Secret-Network-Nature-Delicate-Balance/dp/1784708496/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&qid=1591511072&refinements=p_27%3APeter+Wohlleben&s=books&sr=1-4
K Harish Singh said…
Thank you so much, Sambit. I would definitely read both the links. Thank you so much. Will keep sharing more posts. Have a great day :)

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