Happily trapped!
Gurgaon, 3rd June, 2020. I had been trapped! No, I am not talking about the lockdowns. But it is the inner journeys, which the lockdowns have been sending me into. This January, I returned from Mumbai, with a simple plan of spending some time at home at Gurgaon. But I started enjoying this time with my parents. In fact, I thought I will re-look at my self before I travel out of home. But Co-vid stuck us and the whole world stopped breathing for a while. But did it stop breathing, or it actually started breathing,! We have been listening to a lot of similar news stories, about nature being restored. And I am sure you too are am bored of it now. Nature is not everything which I see outside, but nature is what made me. One thing which I re-learnt in this break was Yoga. It was not just some stretching exercise, but a beautiful extension of the meditation. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word, JOGA, the addition or the combination. It was a lovely combination of my two l...