9:27 pm, Hyderabad.

The whole day, I was trapped in this amazing choice of clouds or no clouds, with a cool breeze!

 I am not one of those people who get depressed with clouds around. Having grown up in cities with major sun falling on my face, I am loving this bit of the Hyderabad monsoon, which surprisingly and happily, is not ending!

I write a lot in two situations:

Firstly, while travelling in a train.

Secondly, when it is raining continuously outside for hours. So, this year, I have shifted to a city which is giving me this lovely breeze to be happy with.

I am also spending some time with my long time furry friend, TUFFY. He is a lovely pet dog, who stays at my new neighbour, my uncle. 

So I am enjoying hours sitting with him, without a word. This silence is actually gold. I am realising that we don't need words to express. We have our bodies to do that. With Tuffy, I am learning this art to talk less!

This is in many ways, is pushing me into the likes of the Buddhist meditation system called VIPASANA, where you do not talk at all. in that process, you don't check your phone too. 

It is similar to my case. Whenever I check my phone, Tuffy barks at me, in many ways, saying, "Why Harish Why?"

I agree with him, and put my phone down. We look at the clouds silently.

Silence is definitely GOLDEN!

Good night.


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